Our Almond Tree service yesterday centred around Armistice Day as we
commemorated the official end of the first World War on 11
th November, 1918. It was not a day for joyful worship but a time to honour all those men and women who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom, not just in the 2 world wars but in the many conflicts since. We remembered each of them during a 2 minute silence.
Our good friend Arthur, who has served in all the Armed Forces read an emotional poem called "A Soldier's Christmas". Our sister, Edith came out of retirement to accompany us in the Lord's Prayer and 2 traditional hymns "Eternal Father strong to save" and "Oh God our help in ages past". Wayne gave thanks for all those who had lost their lives, for those who came home safely, for personnel currently serving in the forces and for the ultimate sacrifice that God made in giving his only Son to die for all our sin so that we could be reconciled to Him.
God moves in mysterious ways. This week I volunteered to speak at Almond Tree so our friend Kay could devote her time in caring for her son who is unwell. Please pray for Elwyn's healing and wholeness. On Monday I felt God prompt me to prepare a message on Psalm 23. When I asked my friend, Pearl to read the Psalm during the service, she was amazed because God had placed the same reading on her heart. As the meeting progressed it transpired that during the week He had also spoken to 2 other people present through this Psalm. What a blessing it was to receive confirmation that we were all part of God's will. Thank you to Sid who closed the service in prayer.
Almond Tree is led by our good friend, Jenny who is currently having a 2 week break with her husband, Derek. The Ministry is being blessed with growth as we bond together as a family in Christ.