On 13th March we held a very successful Coffee Morning at Hirwaun Library who were the perfect hosts and even supplied the tea and coffee. I don't want to see another cake for a while after all the baking and I was so grateful for my friends, Elizabeth, Jen, Anne and Nicky who helped me so much with a real variety of cakes and also Jam. Our good friend Margaret also made marmalade and organised a "Guess the Name of the Teddy" competition.

It was a great morning of meeting up with old friends and also being introduced to new ones. We are giving thanks because we managed to raise £244.05 on the day with some surplus cakes also being sold at a local hairdressing salon.
Mothering Sunday was spent with my dear mum who will be 90 years old in May - I give thanks for her.

I have also been busy writing the Easter Newsletter and packing a consignment of aid, medication, nappies, incontinence pads and more which Wayne and I are delivering to Talbot Green on Thursday. On Saturday we have a Trustees Meeting. Christine and I will be spending 2 weeks in Romania over Easter and I will update you on my return.
Thank you for being patient with us - we are planning to rewrite our website very soon.