Monday 26 November 2012

An update on our fund raising events and activities

Well I am down to my last few days in Wales and am getting excited about being back in Romania doing God's work.  Please pray for safe journey and no technical hitches so I can keep you updated.

Today I said goodbye to my Little Lambs Mother & Toddler Group - the team, children, parents, grandparents are so lovely.  We have been preparing our Christmas Programme with much excitement in our hearts.  I am so sorry to have to miss it again this year but I know it will be blessed and I look forward to the photographs - however I am being called elsewhere where there are such needs. 
An update on fund raising.  Our beautiful little lambs raised a total of £337 from their "Little Lambs Are Leaping" Event in July.  Unfortunately it rained and so our walk took place indoors in the main church building and we had a smashing Teddy Bear's picnic to finish off the morning.    Wayne and I also did a stall at the Anglican Church Fete in Hirwaun and raised £100. 

We have a beautiful sunny for the sponsored walk on 29th September and Praise God raised over £1,000.  It was a day of great fellowship.  Wayne also successfully finished the Cardiff Half Marathon on 14th October.  He took half an hour off his finishing time compared with last year - not bad for someone with emphysema - and as always he came across the finishing line full of joy!!!  He raised over £700!!

The past few weeks have been hectic with preparing our consignment of 550 shoe box gifts, medication, blankets slippers, woollens and much more for Romania.  It will arrive in Arad tomorrow or Wednesday in time for my arrival on Thursday.  Then the operation in Romania begins.  Our transportation costs have soared this year due to a change in transportation arrangements following the retirement of Support for Romanian drivers last year.  Thank you to everyone who has helped financially.

A huge thank you to all who have supported the Christmas Appeal in anyway - too numerous to mention by name.  Be blessed in being a blessing.

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