Wednesday 22 January 2014

Catch up day

Extracts from Wayne's diary for 18th December....

"Wednesday was a chill out day-a morning catching up on my journal whilst Christine met with Jackie in the city to sort out some tax affairs regarding her home in Romania. Again God is faithful because the expected bill was less then expected.  After lunch Christine and I went on foot to visit our good friend Nina.  Irene and Nina had worked closely for several years at the San Nicolau School where Nina was a teacher.  She has raised 10 children under difficult circumstances and is not in the best of health - continuing prayer needed. Also her dear mum who was blind and also lived at home passed away a few months ago.  It was a real blessing to have some value time with her.  We blessed her with some Christmas gifts.

 Later in the day we joining other foreign missionaries for a time of fellowship at the home of Beth and Dave and their family.  They are the couple who are starting the Christian Radio Station in Arad called "JOY". Very relaxed and fun evening - wonderful hospitality, a great buffet, games and gift opening.  How important these times of fellowship are for the missionaries who serve full-time often under difficult circumstances.  How important it is that we encourage each other and pray for each other.

The evening ended in prayers including my wife and her sick mum. The power of the Holy Spirit was released as we prayed for Pastor Jackie who will be at the hospital all day tomorrow for tests.

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