Saturday 5 February 2011

Back in Wales for Christmas

Contact at last - I can only apologise for the delay.

We arrived home from Romania to heavy snow in Britain.  We met passengers at Heathrow who had been stranded in the airport for 3 nights so we gave thanks for our safe arrival with no delays.  We were grateful to our friend Ivan who had dug out his car to collect us from Aberdare Station. With Christmas looming we made for Tescos to do some food shopping.    Collecting my little car from Kay and Ray's farm was not an option as it was snowed in and we arrived home to an unwelcoming log cabin with frozen pipes.  After collecting our mail we made for Brecon and spent the night in the comfort of Mum's bungalow. Praise God she had fully recovered from her chest infection but we received sad news that Aunt Barbara had passed away

Wayne took several days to defrost the pipes and incurred a few bursts along the way so we transferred Christmas celebrations to mum's bungalow and I set about doing the shopping, cleaning and cooking.  After stuffing the Turkey we returned to Wayne's old Church in Seven Sisters for the midnight service.  It was great to meet up with old friends who support our projects in Romania.  To avoid undue travelling we attended the Christmas Day service at Mum's Presbyterian Church in Brecon with our friends, Diane and David who later joined us for a truly memorable day.  On Boxing Day Caroline, Richard and Morgan came over for lunch - my son, Wayne was unfortunately laid low with a stomach bug and we truly missed his and Becca's presence.    Hubbie, Wayne and I took Morgan  out on the sledge which was great fun.

After such a busy time  and with the cabin dried out Wayne and I took a few days out before the New Year to just rest up which is very unusual for us!!!

My family is so dear to me - here are a few pictures of us over the festive season.

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