We are down to 4 full days before we return home and our schedule is tight - hence we h
ad a very late night early morning but people understand.
After leaving the Church we made our way in difficult driving conditions to visit the little lady (with dwarf syndrome), her husband and baby. We felt it on our hearts to deliver a large Christmas food parcel, baby clothes, blanket, baby bottles and towells. Adina also brought along clothes and a set of crutches which had been cut to size for Leontina. However, they were still too long and so Wayne, Adina and her husband shortened them further with a hacksaw. We pray that these will make her life easier. She has been using sticks for the past 30 years.
This family is very poor but the husband, a former experienced shepherd explained that they had managed to buy 2 sheep and he hoped to breed from them. If there is anyone out there that could maybe help by purchasing some more, then this would really help this family. Leontina gave us both some beautiful hand knitted woollen socks as a gift and told us to make sure we visited again not just with gifts - we definately will. Seeing the socks gave me an idea - they would be ideal to put in our Widow's Mite Christmas boxes next year. We could buy the wool and pay Leontina to knit them for us - it would certainly help them financially. She told us that on a good day she can knit one whole sock!!
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