Saying goodbye to ministry work and to my many friends in Romania is always an emotional time for me. The Country and it's people holds a special place in my heart from the 2 and a half years that I served there full-time. My schedule kept me busy right up to the evening before I left. However, we made time for a prayer meeting to give thanks for the many blessings of the trip and to pray for the needs of the many ministries.

Thank you Lord for keeping us physically and spiritually strong on this trip, for your strength, your direction and for how you equipped us to face the daily challenges.
I arrived home during the evening of the 26th to be met with a cuddle from my precious hubby - we really are a double act and I have missed him during the last 2 weeks. My desk is piled high with admin to catch up on, there is the mission trip accounts to be finalised, fund raising events to be planned and shoebox and other Christmas gifts to be sorted and transported to Talbot Green ready for transportation to Romania - so I am quickly back into RR Wales mode!! There is also our next trip to plan for November and December.