Tuesday 18 August 2009

More news and pictures

I thought I was getting the hang of this blogging. However, I so carefully choose my pictures and insert them in all the right places, then I select "Preview" to make sure it all look presentable and I publish it. And then to my complete astonishment the finished format changes with broken paragraphs and pictures out of line etc. Anyway I am trying so please bear with me!!!!

Before turning in I want to share a few more pictures of Romanian life which I have taken here and there. First is a picture of S and her baby "I" whom I came across begging this week. I have known S for many years as she lived on the streets with her partner V. Sadly V died last December of TB and Wayne and I attended his funeral here in Arad. S now lives with her father in a shack in a poor gipsy area not far from where I am staying. She regularly begs to feed and clothe little "I". I gave her a little money and prayed with them. She will never open her mouth for a picture because bless her she has most of her teeth missing. Sadly this applies to most of the homeless people.

Spot the man rummaging through the refuse bins for any morsels of food he can find. He is also collecting plastic bottles which he can make a little money on. Also attached is a picture of the steam water pipes that run through the city. Most of these are in poor condition but are used by the homeless to keep warm in the winter. Where they run above the ground many build shacks around them. Where they are parallel with the ground many build trenches and drop down under them. Others gain access to the underground pipes via manholes. It's not unusual to see half a dozen homeless pop out of a manhole during the winter.

Here is a picture of the lovely lady on the village roadside that I bought bought fresh produce from today. This is common at this time of year. Every Romanian who has a garden takes great pride in growing a variety of vegetables. Most ladies preserve the summer fruit and vegetables in readiness for the long winters when there is a limited supply and prices rise. This year there has been a huge harvest of plums - walking along the streets I have witnessed broken branches with the weight of the fruit. The cost of living in Romania has rapidly risen since they joined the European Union in 2007 - however wages have not gone up in line with inflation resulting in much hardship.

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