Sunday 16 August 2009

Rejoicing in the Lord's Day

It's His day and I am rejoicing even though fatigue has caught up with me this morning after working long hours in the heat - also mosquitoes have been feeding off me and the bites are inflamed and itching. After a shower and hearty breakfast, I am soon awake and off on the long tram ride to Metanoie Baptist Church, trying to stay in the shade on the dusty streets!! There are around 600 people (many standing) in the large upstairs room of an old building with sky lights. The band starts to play and suddenly the fragrance of Jesus fills the place and He is exalted. The intense heat does nothing to dampen the spirit which moves from seat to seat. We receive a powerful Word about Jesus being with us in all circumstances.

I arrived home to a quick lunch before setting out by car (driven by a Romanian friend) for the 15 mile journey to Vinga Church, planted by Pastor Jackie in the heart of a poor gipsy community. On route we pick up M, a young girl Jackie and I support.Today an English Missionary is convening and giving the Word at the main service whilst I organize the Children's program for the younger age group. Around 45 eager faces are awaiting me. After a time of prayer we are into the action songs which are always a hit - today it's "Oh Happy Day" and "I've got the whole World in My hands". This is followed by the story of David and Goliath with pictures to colour in accompanied by a verse to memorize. The hour just flew by and soon they are all merrily on their way home munching on their snacks. Please pray for more help for the Sunday School teacher, Ligia. The heat is intense and so I am grateful for my Sunday afternoon nap on my return!

After a quick meal and chat with my host, Mamma Maria, it's time to catch up on emails and my blog. I am giving thanks for a blessed day.

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