Sunday 23 August 2009

Food and Aid Distribution

Most of Thursday and Friday was taken up with food and aid distribution. Organizational skills are required with this project which is time consuming. However our team has enjoyed wonderful fellowship working in our base - The Food Bank. Food supplies have to be purchased, sorted, packed and loaded for each distribution, whilst the aid requires sorting and labelled up for different areas. Our thanks to Peter Grover, a vital member of our team who also helps with the transportation.

9 boxes of medical supplies, hospital equipment and baby items were delivered to the Soteria Baptist Clinic. Around 140 food parcels and clothes aid were distributed to very poor families living in shacks on the outskirts of the city. Each parcel has a Christian tract included and we explain that this is God's provision. We met Claudia, her husband and 3 children, whose home burned to the ground during my April visit. Funds for materials and manual help were supplied to rebuild. Her new home (just 2 rooms) is twice the size of the old one and is constructed out of wood. All the family homes in this area are under threat of demolition as they illegally occupy the land. There is no running water on site.

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