Tuesday 20 August 2013

Babies, previous Iasmine and catching up with old friends

Its been another busy busy day as I enter the last few days of my trip.  The morning was spent with Adina and Lynsey caring for babies at the city hospital.  This really is a blessed time - today we give thanks that little M aged 15 months overcame her fear of being bathed and then proceeded to chatter most of the morning.  She was definately on a high and was not ready to take her afternoon nap after being fed!  This is a very rewarding ministry.

Iasmine and Adina
After leaving the hospital we went to meet little Iasmine and her mother in a park.  She is aged 7 and  very dear to my heart and I have nothing but admiration for her mother, Adreana who devotedly loves and cares for her.  Iasmine has spinabifida and many other health problems and is in an out of hospital all the time and is often at the point of death.  I have never a little girl with so much joy and determination to live or a mother so devoted to her daughter's needs.  We shared some cakes and an icecream in the park and Iasmine was facinated by the fish in the lake.  We will continue to offer some financial assistance towards the huge medical costs of her treatment. I always find it hard to say goodbye to Iasmine and Adreana.

Adreana, Iasmine's  devoted mum
Then it was out shopping for food for 2 poor families out in the village of Vladimirescu.  First we visited Leontina (with dwarf syndrome) and her husband..  Sadly the couple lost their only child, Rebecca last year and they are still grieving.  We had such a warm welcome and we sat around in the shade outside chatting for a while.  She was thrilled to show us 10 pairs of socks she had knitted for the widows.  They are very poor and we had made this arrangement last year to help them financially. They are lovely thick knitted socks and we buy them off her for 2 pounds a pair to give to the widows in their Christmas boxes.  We have ordered more.  Later we visited another couple with a physically and mentally disabled daughter.  The father is a wonderful songwriter and his group of 5 men have recently recorded another album.  Some of you may recall that last year I brought back a carol CD of theirs which we gave away as Christmas presents.

Leontina and the socks she has knitted
The evening ended with a delightful meeting with 2 girls from a Children's Home we are involved with in Timisoara.  There are 7 girls in this home who are so well cared for by Christian friends of ours.   I have known both girls for many years and one of them is sponsored via our Charity thanks to Anne, who is a friend of ours too.  It was great to meet up with them both and to share what they have been up to since my last visit in December.  Their mother has psychiatric problems and I will be meeting up with her later at Mocrea Hospital.   For reasons of privacy I have not included pictures in this blog but have sent them through to the sponsor.

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