Monday 12 August 2013

PC Problems but a brief update

The heat here is intense and sleeping is only possible with a fan.  Unlike the December trip, when our schedule is so tight with Christmas programmes and shoebox distributions it is important this trip that I get the balance right between spiritual time and project/ministry time.

Due to commitments with her son, Christine leaves early in the morning but I stay on until the 22nd.  It has also been important for me to be around her for support as this is the first trip she has made back to her house since Peter's death.  We have both really missed him but there has been a real feeling of his presence at the house which has been a great comfort to Christine.  I shall miss her company when she leaves tomorrow.  Its been great having a Bible Study and prayer partner.

Saturday we went to the Children's programme at Vinga taking pop and apples for the children.  Jackie is blessed with a truly anointed team running this ministry: Pastor Vlad, his lovely wife, Alina, Bogdan and his mum Delia.  Bogdan has married since my last visit and will become a dad in the spring.

Sunday morning we visited our good friend Nina.  Nina was my best friend when I lived in Romania.  She was the teacher at Jackie's School and so we worked together.  Nina has brought up 10 children - 6 have now fled the nest and she misses them.  Her mum died a few months ago.  Dealing with  grief and her ailing health has not been easy and she so appreciated our visit.  Chris took her a gift in memory of Peter. We accepted a kind lunch invitation from Christine's neighbours who adored Peter and supported him so much during his illness.  Afterwards it was on to Vinga Church.  The newly extended building is really beautiful. It was a blessing to be back among fellow brothers and sisters.  Jackie did a baby dedication and spoke a good Word on our eternal destination.

Today we joined Jackie and 2 fellow missionaries on a trip to a working monastery in a remote area about 15 kilometres outside the city.  It was a place of great beauty and tranquility and we had some time in the gardens doing Bible Study before enjoying a time of fellowship around a meal on the way home.  After a short time at Jackie's home we returned to town to meet up with 2 good Romanian friends.  Peter had supported T during very difficult circumstances and had taken him into his home before being instrumental in reuniting him with his family.  His health is now much improved and it is always a joy to spend time with them both.

Tomorrow after saying goodbye to Christine, I will be moving to the Luca's apartment more in the centre of the city which is more accessible to some of the projects.   I hope to be able to attach a few pictures later.

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