Tuesday 13 August 2013

Back at the Lucas and Mocrea

Christine and I were chatting until the early hours and she left at 4.15 am. I went along with Jackie for the ride to the airport and she delivered me to the Lucas apartment around 6.30 am.  I am always warmly welcomed by this lovely family and after a bit of unpacking settled down for an hours sleep.    After breakfast we left for Mocrea Psychiatric hospital, about an hours drive away.  Today we were a team of 6 and as usual the patients were overjoyed to see us.  The weekly visits make such a difference to their lives and today we were armed with drinks, biscuits and crafts to make smiley faces.  With the weather still in the 40's we were working in a covered area outdoors.  After the crafts they began singing Romanian hymns and action songs followed by individual recitation and singing items.  I was so filled with joy to see each one full of pride and confidence as they participated individually.  We finished with a time of individual prayer.  It was a special day enjoyed by all.

One of the things I love about being in Romania in the summer is the way everyone stays outdoors until late at night.  As I write I can hear shreaks of laughter coming from the children's playground outside.  You will also find hundreds of people out walking in the parks after the sun has gone down and the temperature drops a little.  People love to socialise outdoors in the summer.

Another thing I came across on Sunday.  After returning from Vinga church I took a nap, when suddenly I was woken by a loud brass band playing across the street from my bedroom window.  It was 5 pm and it was leading a funeral procession on foot to the orthodox church down the road.  Funerals here are quite different to back home.  They take place very soon after the death, especially in summer.  It is customary to have a wake and to take photos of the bodies and also their loves ones saying goodbye - a task I was once given when I lived full time in Romania.

Whilst blogging is not a problem since having use of Adina Luca's PC attaching pictures is but I am hoping to resolve the problem.  Tomorrow morning I am at the baby hospital with Adina Luca and Lyndsey, an American Missionary who lives next door to Jackie which I very much look forward to.

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