Thursday 10 December 2009

The Economic Climate and Romania

Since my first visit to Romania in 2001 I have witnessed first hand how many people struggle to survive - very little has changed since that time, despite the fact that the Country was accepted into the European Union in January 2007. Yes, factories have sprung up around the city, the road networks are improving, pretty fountains have been built and the city is this year full of Christmas lights but what is happening in the lives of the average Romanian. Well, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The cost of living has soared but sadly wages have not arisen in line with inflation.

Add all this to the World Financial climate and there is a major problem. The health service has never worked effectively in practice but now children officially no longer get free prescriptions and very few old people get compensated medicine. Earlier I wrote that the hospital had no money to supply essentials for the baby wards. Today we learned that the schools are closing from tomorrow for the Christmas holidays because the State can no longer afford to pay the teachers until the end of term. Allocations for orphans in Children's Homes have been cut resulting in some having to close. There is indeed much ongoing hardship here which requires support. Here is a picture of the Town Hall in Arad at Christmas and in contrast life in an area where God uses us.

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