Sunday 13 December 2009

The Lord's Day

We awoke to a light carpet of snow on the cars but which had melted on the roads - however it has periodically sleeted during the day and is still very cold. We arose early to meet with a young Romanian mother, Irina and her 10 year old daughter who accompanied us to the Metanoie Baptist Church. Irina is a challenging case in many ways and we hope that she and her family will settle in this friendly and supportive church. We would so appreciate your prayers on this. We so enjoyed the praise and worship and the Word on the Good Samaritan. This young family had not eaten for 2 days and so on the way home we purchased them a supply of food.

The afternoon was spent at Vinga Church (about 15 miles away) where Pastor Jackie preached a great Word on Joy. After the service, we distributed around 85 shoebox gifts to excited Sunday School Children. On route home we called in with our good friend Nina and her nine children. We were overjoyed to see each other and to catch up on what has been happening in our lives.

I confess to being very weary tonight and pray for a good night's sleep to face the busy schedule of the coming week.

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