Sunday 6 December 2009

The Lord's Day

We were up like a lark to get to the 9 am Metanoie Baptist Church Service at the other end of the city. Around 200 people assembled for the 1st of the 2 morning services. We love this church - the band is anointed in leading the Praise and Worship and the Senior Pastor gave an incredible Word on relying on God through the difficulties of life. We were blessed in having the service translated and enjoyed bumping into old friends.

However as we left for Church I could not find my special NIV Bible and suddenly Wayne remembered that he had left it on the back seat of a taxi last night! We give thanks that we managed to eventually track down the driver later in the day who had kept it safe-Praise God because I could not have replaced it.

Jackie picked us up at 12.30 to go to a friends house for lunch. She laughed when she noticed my small bouquet of flowers for the host - she suggested I remove one carnation because in Romania giving an even amount of one flower is associated with death!! There are an amazing amount of these old customs in Romania that they take very seriously but I have to be honest I had not heard of this one!! So as not to offend I proceeded to remove a flower from the bunch.

Afterwards it was on to Vinga Church where I attempted to do a head count of all the Sunday School Children in preparation for the shoebox distribution next week. I counted over 60 kids who are busy preparing for their Nativity Play. Jackie gave an amazing Word on Peace and lit the appropriate Advent Candle. Here she is with Bogdan, her translator who is very much part of our team. It's been a busy week- we are pretty tired tonight and are hoping to get in an early night as we have a busy week ahead of us.

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