Saturday 12 December 2009

The Widow's Mite Project

Today was spent with Pastor Jackie visiting 7 beautiful old ladies in the remote villages of Graneceri and Dolat, near the Serbian border in the Judet of Timisoara. It was a full day's travelling and as we approached the villages it was like stepping back in time as Danny, our driver negotiated muddy tracks to reach our destinations. It was a real blessing to spend value time with these beautiful women of character who lead such hard lives - all with their own set of difficult circumstances. They were thrilled to receive their Christmas presents and we prayed for all of them before we left.

Among the ladies we visited today was Smila (aged 88) who cares for her physically and mentally disabled daughter Aurelia (aged 66). Both are very sick and Aurelia was in her large cot fast asleep. Smilia, who is almost bedridden herself has told us several times that they are ready to meet their Maker and we continue to pray that God's will be done.

We travelled back tonight in heavy sleet and snow is forecast for tomorrow.

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