Saturday 5 December 2009

A turn in the weather

When we arrived here on Wednesday temperatures were surprisingly higher than in Wales. However all that changed this morning with an icy wind in the air as we ventured out to buy medication for 5 widows. We searched for the cheapest pharmacy and joined a long queue, one of three. Eventually armed with our huge bag of medicines we set off back to the apartment to get our accounts up to date.

After a huge meal with Mama Maria's family we were out again to the Clubul Gara service for the homeless. It was a joy to meet up with the leader, Cipri, our Dutch missionary friend, Hans and his daughter who played guitar. The building is old and cold and we gave thanks that Hans had brought in a generator for the lighting plus some gas fires.

We enjoyed a lovely time of praise followed by a Word from Cipri, who gave us the opportunity to bring greetings from Wales and to give everyone an update on what God has been doing in our lives. It was a blessing to meet with many of our homeless friends again and to see them interacting with Cipri during the service. We met for the first time, Piciu and his 8 year daughter, who have been living on the streets for 3 years. We have arranged a meeting with Cipri for Monday to discuss the Ministry's needs. We respect his views that no photographs should be taken at the Club.

Later we made our way to the San Nicolau Mic Community Centre, but found it all locked up - maybe the music lessons had finished early due to the cold. We later enjoyed a nice meal and fellowship, courtesy of our good friends Peter and Christine, who live opposite the school.

Today I am giving thanks for my beautiful daughter, Caroline , who is celebrating her 36th birthday.

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