Sunday 12 December 2010

The Lord's Day

Came in too late last night to catch up on the blog - hence the early start today.  I need your prayers - there is a faulty on/off switch of the tower of the computer I am using at our hosts' apartment.  Sometimes it takes me 20 mins to start up.  Should I suddenly go off the air then you will understand but I believe God will make a way for me to continue with my journal.

Yesterday was a blessed day.  The icy/snowy conditions started to thaw and temperatures rose a little.  We attended 2 awesome services - one at Metanoia Baptist Church here in Arad - incredible praise and worship/carols and an awesome Word on Trials and Tribulations from the last Chapter of 2 Thessalonians.  Later we went with Pastor Jackie to her Church in Vinga which was full to capacity, including the 2 Sunday School Classes.  That too was an incredible meeting where many shared what God has been doing in their lives including how He had brought them to the point of forgiveness.  Jackie lit the Joy candle and spoke a powerful Word on the subject.   Praise God for the newly formed Church choir seen above in action.   We are sorry to miss 3 Baptisms and a baby dedication which will take place after we depart. 

 We had hoped to attend another evening service at a new Charismatic Church in this neighbourhool called "Adoram"  but we arrived home too late for the start.  Instead we went out visiting several families which I will write about separately.

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