Today I have a full schedule. It begins with Spencer and I delivering food parcels and gifts to the widows and widower in the city of Arad. First stop an apartment block and 2 widows (aged 81 and 82) who reside in separate apartments on the 6th floor Both are in poor health - one with severe arthritis and the other with heart and lung problems. Neither are able to leave their apartments and E now spends long hours on oxygen. We are grateful that they have each other as company and believe in the Lord for provision in their lives. They have received help with heating allowances from other sources.

Next stop E aged 82 and we are giving thanks that her daughter has bought her wood for the winter. Her place was small but cosy by the fire and she loved her slippers and gifts.Her biggest problem is the cost of rent on her property. Then we visited widower A who is broken hearted following the death of his dear wife earlier in the year. They were together for 62 years, were baptized a few years ago and he is ready to join her. We pray that God's will be done.He has bought wood with the allowance given him last week.

It was a joy to meet for the first time a new lady on the project called A who is 92 and so spritely, She was busy sewing on her old Singer Machine and I was immediately touched by her strong character and stamina. She loves Jesus and makes socks, pillows, overalls etc and takes in alterations. I believe her love of sewing keeps her going each day - long may it continue. She and Spencer have a great relationship and he and his family are very supportive of her in many ways. We give thanks for them. S he needs more sowing material - Adina is a great bargain hunter at the weekend flea market in the city - I am sure she can help.

The next visit was to Ileana whom I have known for so many years. Her one room accommodation is comfortable but in an old building which is expensive to heat with electricity. It was good to see her use her new oil filled mobile heater but it was still chilly there. She will receive help with her heating bill. She was so excited at her Christmas gifts expecially the slippers.
One widow, Maria lives in another state and her food and gifts are always dropped with a friend in the city who ensures that they are delivered to her. Lily is a remarkable lady and has a history of providing rooms for homeless old people. She is currently converting her basement into more accommodation, We thank God for her.

Last stop of the day was S who lives in an apartment in a very old block in a courtyard off the city centre. This lady amazes me because she refuses help with heating insisting she she does not need it. Spencer and I were cold in her kitchen and all she had on was a pinny, a thin jumper and skirt with bare legs!! Even though she says she does not feel the cold, I was grateful to have packed a hat, mitts,thick slipper socks, a pair of slippers and a blanket among her gifts.
I so love these days of not just visiting the elderly on the project but spending value time with them to learn more about their lives. Many of them are so lonely. We give thanks for Spencer who gives of
his time in love and compassion and sometimes takes the children to visit.

After returning to the apartment and enjoying a lovely meal Adina and I set out to F and T Children's Homes in Arad. Wayne & I have had a long association with the children & staff at these homes from our days of serving full-time in Arad. They all love Wayne too and were asking about him. We enjoyed lots of carols before we distributed the shoe box gifts. I am always touched by the gifts I receive from T - they are precious because they are hand made and this year I received a beautiful table decoration made from pasta shells which I will treasure.

We had a little time to kill before visiting Iasmina and her mum so Adina and I wandered down to the Primarie (Town Hall) in the city centre. There does not appear to be any lack of tourism funding from the EU and a huge stage and Christmas trees had been erected outside the beautiful building. The place was also full of stalls selling hot food and drinks and a beautiful stable scene. . Each night there are lots of concerts with carols and Romanian dancing - quite a spectacle.
The rest of the evening was spent with adorable Iasmina and her mum mentioned earlier in the blog. I love these 2 remarkable people who never ever complain or stop smiling in the midst of adversity. Iasmina has grown so much since I last saw her and I understand this is due to some of the treatment she is receiving. Thanks
to sponsor Julie who made up the most amazing boxes of presents for them both. What delight on their faces as they opened them. Please continue to pray for them during 2015. In between hospital visits Iasmina now attends school. She has been given a keyboard and we hope to arrange for some music lessons for her. (sorry wont allow me to undo this underlining)