Monday 17 December 2012

The Heartbreak of Rebecca's parents

Some of you may recall me writing last year about Leontina and her family.  She and her husband are very poor and live in one room of her mother's house.  She has dwarf syndrome and her husband is a shepherd.  He has just 4 sheep.  They had a daughter called Rebecca aged 3 who was born physically and mentally disabled. She was tiny for her age and could not walk or talk.  Their whole life revolved around their beautiful little girl who needed a lot of care and was hospitalised many times.

Last June she went into hospital for an operation.  However, before the surgery  she was suddenly taken ill and placed in the intensive care unit.  Sadly she died and the bottom fell out of their world.We give thanks that their Baptist Church supported them but they are still in grief. Adina and I sat and cried with Leontina as she showed us pictures of Rebecca at the hospital and after she had died.  As is customary here in Romania there were pictures of her in her open casket -  they had gone out and bought her a new red dress and she looked  so beautiful and in perfect peace.    We talked about where she now is and Leontina told us that God had given her a clear vision of their daughter in heaven so so happy and healthy.  We give thanks that she was placed in such a loving family under the most difficult of circumstances.  They are both being so brave and their humour even shone through during our precious time with them.

We always take the couple a food parcel and in the past a shoe box for Rebecca.  This year we took along  shoe box gifts for her devoted mum and dad who so so deserve to have a little joy brought into their lives.  We give thanks that they are resting in Jesus and are giving thanks for the precious 3 years they had with their beautiful  daughter.  One of the nicest things we could for them is to make up a photo album of Rebecca.

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